Helpful Documents & White Papers

Master Chapter Onboarding Packet - Read me first! This packet will help you understand the implementation process.

Local Salesforce Configuration Document 6.23.15 - Pre-Step to configure your Salesforce

Salesforce Grant Application Process 6.23.15 - Step by Step on how to apply for the Salesforce Power of Us Grant

Click N Pledge Application and Process 6.26.15 - How to sign up for Click N Pledge, online payment processor

YFC USA BaseBox Mapping 3.20.15 - How fields line up in YFCBase Box

YFC Fundraising Structure of Salesforce Field Mappings 6.23.15 - How to understand and Map the New Salesforce Donation (Designation/Sub/Campaing/Staff)

YFC Salesforce Migration Summary (template) - Provided from Fostering LLC after your data is migrated 

Custom Reciepting Workflows v1.2 5.1.15 - How receipting works with the YFCBase Box

YFC Salesforce 101 Training 6.23.15 - Agenda for live training

YFC Salesforce Email Integration Options 6.15.15 - A white paper on ways to integrate your email to salesforce. Free and paid options.

YFC Salesforce Mail Chimp Integration White Paper 7.17.15 - A white paper on the benefits of integrating your Mail Chimp account with your Salesforce